Cork Photo Fringe July 2014

A figure in the landscape presented as part of Cork Photo Fringe, The Firkin Crane, 2014, Digital Prints
Exhibiton at The Firkin Crane, Cork July 1st – July 31st 2014
Digital Images presented as part of the inaugural Cork Photo Fringe
The work examined the way photographs have the ability to give sensible form to the moods, feelings and rhythms of the often incommunicable relationship between body and place. The idea of blurring the distinction between body and place alludes to the hypereal. Exploration of the hypereal asks the question about how we can make an absence present and experiential. Does a photograph have the potential to fill that void or sense of absence?

Installaton view, A figure in the landscape, The Firkin Crane,2014, 36 digital prints ( 21cm X 29.7cm) within perspex frame